Resources for Caregivers
Caregivers of people living with Parkinson's disease are in need of support, resources and education. The Support Groups and Classes are open to caregivers as well as patients. For online resources, a good place to start is
Caregiver Support Group Hawaii Kai
Second Saturday of each month 10:30-11:30AM
Hawaii Kai Retirement Community
428 Kawaihae St., Hawaii Kai, HI 96825
Contact-Nona Andrews, (808) 373-4271
Caregiver websites
Resources for assistive technology and devices
Recall Center Caregiver Resources
Recall Center Elderly-Wandering
Brought to you by: AARP Hawaii and The Home Alone AllianceSM
Preparing Your Home for Safe Mobility
Getting from a Car to a Wheelchair
Using a Walker or Cane and Navigating Stairs
Moving from a Walker to Shower or Bed
10 Things Every Caregiver Must Know (Audio CD) - for purchase
Move-It! An Exercise and Movement Guide for Parkinson's Disease, written by former HPA Board President Kevin Lockette, is available for download for FREE.
Visit to download.