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Knock Out Movement Disorders Program



KOMD??? Why not just Knockout Boxing?


Good question! It's because KOMD is more than just a Boxing program, KOMD takes a multi-pronged approach to the fight against movement disorders … and each component is based on sound science and current research.

Our Knockout Boxing classes teach actual boxing skills … not just boxing-like arm swings.

Why? Because the research is clear: it is SKILLED motor learning which has the most profound effect on movement disorders.


Also, we have a ZERO FALL TOLERANCE policy.

We use quick-don safety harnesses and lines adopted from firefighter rapid-rescue gear for all standing activities not only for basic safety .. but so clients can push their limits without fear.

Classes include flexibility based on the LSVT BIG* and Chair Yoga for People with Parkinson's programs, vocal training drawing from LSVT LOUD* AND from Pitch-limited Voice training, baseline strengthening exercises AND SKILLED Boxing … tailored to the achievable level of each participant.

OVERCOME-IT personalized strength training:

The research is also in on higher intensity strength training for PwP.
With our decades of experience in personalized strength training, we safely push our clients to progressively more strenuous exercise .. all within well-recognized tissue-accommodation timelines. 


We also have a facilitated rhythmic program some of you may be familiar with as assisted cycling for Parkinson's.
This has proven to be a remarkably effective program for improving overall functional ability for PwP.



We offer classes with a focus on functional movement. This includes both chair and standing activities similar to the LSVT BIG program … but also incorporating chair yoga for People with Parkinson's or Parkinson's-like disorders. (PwP)

We have a fall prevention and fall response first-priority … but include exaggerated movement and walking as well.


Often underappreciated or missed entirely, proper dietary management can be a KEY factor in getting the best response from medication .. and in setting the healthiest possible state for the brain itself.

But dietary management can be difficult to impossible for family and caregivers when each person with Parkinson's is different.


We provide an opt-in system which delivers:
Recipes personalized for individual needs and food preferences

Coordinated shopping lists for the necessary food items

The possibility of direct delivery from local Costco's (depending on local Costco participation in their nationwide delivery system.


For more information email:

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